#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int numb; float oddcount =0; float evencount = 0; float oddsum = 0; float evensum = 0; float allsum = 0; for (int k =1; k <= 7 ; k++) { cout << "Enter Number ::"<<k << endl; cin >> numb ; allsum = allsum + numb; while( numb % 2 == 0) { evencount = evencount+1; evensum = evensum + numb; break; } while( numb % 2 != 0) { oddcount = oddcount+1; oddsum = oddsum + numb; break; } } cout << "Average of All ::"<<allsum / 7 << endl; if (evencount != 0 ) cout << "Average of Even Numbers ::"<<evensum / evencount << endl; else cout << "No Even Numbers entered"<< endl; if (oddcount != 0) cout << "Average of Odd Numbers ::"<<oddsum / oddcount << endl; else cout << "No Odd Numbers entered"<< endl; }
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